Lay judges can be a bridge between the judiciary and ordinary citizens


Lay judges can be a bridge between the judiciary and ordinary citizens only if responsible people, who are actively involved — getting to know the cases in advance, listening carefully to the parties during the trial process, asking clarifying questions — are elected lay judges.“

The European Day of Lay Judges 2022: The Future of the Institution of Lay and Honorary Judges in Europe (13–15 May 2022 Poznan, Poland Adam Mickiewicz University) Lay judge Mimo Garcia speaks
The European Day of Lay Judges 2022: The Future of the Institution of Lay and Honorary Judges in Europe (13–15 May 2022 Poznan, Poland Adam Mickiewicz University) Lay judge Mimo Garcia speaks



Mimo-Garcia Stoyanov Gruev
Mimo-Garcia Stoyanov Gruev

Written by Mimo-Garcia Stoyanov Gruev

Blogger, film director, lay judge, openly gay, TV face, writer and YouTuber. Bulgarian and European. (he/him)

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